Caroline d'Orville
In my work the narration forms the connecting component. The language of my soul is music.
As a graduated designer i made films for a few years before devoting myself to art.
My experience as a educated director of photography, director, musician and videographer
serves me to realize my visions in sound and video works and installations with performative
Foto: Lennard Ruehle Photography
2023 Mentoring Programm Zukunftsmusik, Mentor: Melissa L. Logan (chicks on speed)
BUGGLES AWARD Landesmusikvideopreis BW Nominierung für 2 Musikvideos
POPSTIPENDIUM (Produktionsstipendium)​
2022 BUGGLES AWARD Landesmusikvideopreis BW Nominierung für 3 Musikvideos
2019 Art Academy Award, State Academy Of Fine Arts, Stuttgart
2017 intro Magazin, best musicvideo of the week
2015 Art Academy Award, State Academy Of Fine Arts, Stuttgart
2010-2012 scholarship, ifs internationale filmschule köln, Cologne
2008 granted support fund for my documentary „Hidden Frogs“ by the Cultural Film Fund of the State of Hessen
(HFF-Land) and the Hessischer Rundfunk Film Fund (HFF-hr)
2019/20 Intermediaart at the State Academy Of Fine Arts, Stuttgart // professor: discoteca flaming star
2019 State exam in arts education at the State Academy Of Fine Arts, Stuttgart //
Prof. Christian Jankowski and Prof. Udo Koch
2018 Visiting student at the HMDK Staatliche Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Künste, State Academy for Music and Performing Arts, Stuttgart //
Prof. Martin Schüttler and Prof. Jennifer Walshe
2010-12 studying „Director Of Photography“ at the ifs internationale filmschule köln, Cologne // Prof. David Slama
2009 Diploma in Communication Design at the University of Applied Sciences Darmstadt, Faculty of Design
2006 Visiting student at the Università IUAV di Venezia, Italy // Prof. Lewis Baltz
further education
2015/16 Musik.Stimme.Sprache. Zertifikatsweiterbildung für Musiker_innen, Stimm- und Sprechkünstler_innen
music. voice. language. certified further training for musicians and spoken word artists
at the Federal Academy of Cultural Education in Wolfenbuettel,
2012 Train The Trainer, training in adult education at the Deutsche Welle Akademie Bonn